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What is Wildback:

Wildback is a mentoring and training program for the creative and entrepreneurial community and the wider church. Wildback is for those with the Christian faith, have no faith or a different faith.

We are creating a place for the creative and entrepreneurial community. Our hope is that you will:-

  • Make deep connections and collaborate with other like-minded individuals
  • Receive training and learn how to develop your own potential

Wildback is all about finding your rhythm/flow, we would love to help you on your way to. We will invest time in you, helping you realise how amazing you are and how you can make a difference in your area of influence! We have been helping creatives and entrepreneurs (dreamers and visionaries) since 2013.

WildBack meaning:

  • Wild (In a natural state / Not domesticated / Untamed / Lacking Restraint / A wild idea / Extravagant / Fantastic)
  • Outback (Unfamiliar / Land beyond settled regions / Backbone / Spine / To form the background of roaming wild / Risky). We were all created to take risks, go beyond our natural restraints and comfort zones and live extraordinary lives.

Wildback is the ministry side of Wildback Partnership.

All mentoring, events, training and Hubs are ministry aspects of Wildback.

Wildback Farm is the commercial side of Wildback Partnership,

Wildback Farm along with the help of our faithful donors, help to fund all ministry aspects of Wildback.

Wildback is structured in a way that will ensure longevity of the Wildback vision whilst allowing Wildback to grow safely within a fully accountable structure. 

Our aim eventually is to separate out both Wildback and Wildback Farm into separate incorporated companies to protect the assets and longevity of the Wildback vision. However, for now both Wildback and Wildback Farm are currently trading under Wildback Partnership.

Wildback legal structure:

All current services are provided by WIldback Partnership and all donations are paid to Wildback Partnership.


The courses and mentoring sessions we run are solely run by Wildback Partnership and their associated ministries, Wildback Partnership is only associated with the ministries and organisations clearly displayed on our website under "Meet the Team' on the menu bar at the top of the page. We are not associated with any other ministries or organisations.

All our courses are specifically aimed at vocational and emerging creatives and entrepreneurs. We are unable to offer our courses to everyone else, however, we do have 'encounter days' throughout the year that are open to everyone. To find out more about 'encounter days', please contact us.