- Quiz
Session 1
- Quiz
Session 2
- Quiz
Session 3
- Quiz
Session 4
- Quiz
Session 5
- Quiz
Session 6
- Quiz
Session 7
- Quiz
Session 8
- Quiz
Session 9
- Quiz
Session 10
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- Quiz
Session 11
- Quiz
Session 12
- Quiz
Session 13
- Quiz
Session 14
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- Quiz
- Join this Course to access resources
About this course
About this course
This course will help explain :
- Who you truly are in Christ Jesus.
- Why you are foremost a spirit and you live in a natural body.
- Why the enemy only has some power and some authority?
- Why do you have access to all power and all authority?
- The importance of developing a secret place in the spirit.
- How to safely navigate spending time in the spirit.
- How and why it is important to develop your relationship with Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit in the spirit before you go to glory.
- The importance of looking after your soul.
- Why your soul is deeply connected to your spirit.
This course includes :
- Activations where Jesus will take you on adventures to your secret place.
- Activations where Jesus will take you to the throne room.
- Personal stories of Robin's secret place and the way it has developed and changed over the years.
We hope you enjoy the journey :
If you would like to attend this course but you are unable to afford it at this time, please do get in contact with us. We would like as many people as possible to get access to this course and do not want financial restrictions to get in the way of you growing in your relationship with Father God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
If you have not yet been baptised with the Spirit :
Please first ask your local church to pray for you to be baptised with the Spirit before completing this eCourse
If you do not believe Jesus Christ came in the flesh and Jesus Christ is not your Lord :
We do not recommend you purchase this course as the content is aimed at those who believe Jesus Christ came in the flesh and have made Jesus Christ their Lord.
If you would like to make Jesus Christ your Lord, please read aloud the following prayer :
Jesus Christ, I believe you came in the flesh, I know that I am a sinner and that you died to take away my sins. Jesus, I choose to make you my Lord. Jesus. I am sorry for my sins please forgive me. As an act of faith, I now choose to believe that you came in the flesh. I also choose to make you my Lord. Thank you, Jesus, for forgiving me. You have forgiven all my sins. Amen.
If you have just said the above prayer:
We would now recommend you find a local church. Tell them what you have just done (this is your public confession / testimony) and also it's important that you are around others who believe Jesus Christ came in the flesh and is their Lord (we are called Christians).
You may find it helpful to visit www.findachurch.co.uk if you live in the UK or www.findachurch.com if you live in the USA.
(Please note we are not affiliated with these websites in any way)
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